dinsdag 29 maart 2011

Collecting researches

The 70’s were a decade that brought about the expansion of the Piushaven, and in concretely the Armhohef district, as is written on the book “Basisinformatiepakket T.B.V. Stadsvernieuwing. Enkele statistische gegevens over O.A. Bevolking, woningvoorraad, bedrijvigheid, en werkgelegenheid”.
The buildings were built on the 20’s, a really decisive moment in comparison with the next decades, when the building industry raised less than 5%. This district was inhabited by a young population between 20 and 24 years old, and the foreign population was almost cero per cent, getting down and down during the next years.
As all Piushaven, the textile industry was an important factor on the developing, immigrations and emigrations of the area, fact that also determinate the modest social position.
These researches are only the beginning and maybe not too much to raise to right conclusions, but just with that we can realize about what it was, what it is and maybe something about what it will be. You need to turn back to the past to understand the present.

Information and pictures by the 
Regional Archief van Tilburg.

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